A tragic accident in Bashkiria, Russia In a story that echoes the legendary loyalty of Hachikō, a dog named Belka...
Read moreIn an unusual rescue mission that captured hearts worldwide, a curious female cat named John found herself trapped in a...
Read moreSeuk Kim: a life dedicated to saving furry friends In a heart-wrenching turn of events, Seuk Kim, a 49-year-old pilot...
Read moreA heartbreaking incident at the Wilder Institute/Calgary Zoo in Canada has claimed the life of a 2-year-old female western lowland...
Read moreChiang Mai Night Safari Introduces Rare Golden Tiger to Global Audience In a stunning display of animal charisma, a three-year-old...
Read moreGraphic Video from 2006 Sparks Renewed Outrage Against Turkey Producer In a shocking revival of decade-old accusations, Butterball, America's leading...
Read moreAn animal control officer in Northbridge, Massachusetts, shot and killed a family pet after mistaking the dog for a coyote,...
Read moreArrest follows disturbing discovery of journal detailing abuse An Arizona woman has been accused of torturing at least three dogs...
Read moreRare Big Cat Encounter Sends Shockwaves Through Chinese Village, Raising Conservation Concerns In a heart-stopping encounter that has captivated social...
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