College assignments are challenging, and that’s the point of their implementation. They are supposed to stimulate your academic research instincts.
When a student is assigned a task, he isn’t supposed to know the answer already. In the best-case scenario, he would start reading and gathering information on the subject. Then, after the sources are established, a long process of selection would begin.
Without any academic writing help, you are supposed to construct an argument. An introductory statement would be presented, followed by a few challenges and questions. You would then present 1-3 arguments ( depending on the length of the assignment) and end in a conclusion.
If properly used, essay writing will flow like a poem or a song, using reason and evidence to demonstrate the base assumption of the academic papers. Yet, if this is intended to be a solo exercise, why should you bother hiring an academic essay writing service? The answer is not “why” but “who”. A professional essay writer and his company will make your life easier.
Paperhelp.org can be found on any list of the best academic writing services, regardless of who put together that list. They deliver everything that you would ever want from this type of company.
Depending on where you look, the negative reviews are very few in number, or totally non-existent. The company claims that each essay writer goes through a rigorous vetting process. Even their customer support staff is helpful, polite, and well-trained.
They charge 12$ per high-school-level page, 14$ for college, 20$ for university, and 24$ for PhD-level assignments.
The only negative is that they adopt the practice of all essay sites: extra cost. For example, in the writing world, the writer gets paid if he delivers an essay without flaws. Newspapers and book writers hire proofreaders and editors to make sure no mistakes are made.
This service should not represent an extra cost because it is not optional. If I pay 150$ for an elaborate and complex essay, I would expect it to be edited and checked for plagiarism.
For those who are not familiar with the
English language vernacular, BBQ is often used as a shortened form of the word “barbecue”. Maybe the name was part of a Pavlovian marketing effort, so customers would think of delicious food every time they read the site’s name.
There isn’t much to say about this site, and that’s a good thing. Their page is well-designed, the customer support is professional, and the academic writers are excellent. This business runs like a well-oiled machine, and you can trust them with your money and your grades.
Also, unlike many other similar companies, they have an on-shore headquarters. Most scammers get away because their parent companies are somewhere off-shore, where local laws can’t reach them.
This site is strange, given that it charges per word, not per page. A high-school-level paper will cost 5.85$/ 100 words, a college-level paper will cost 6.77$/100 words, and a PhD-level paper will be 10.64$/ 100 words. This is the price you pay for hiring locally, and offering a decent wage to professional writers.
With a name like SpeedyPaper, they really can’t afford to miss any deadline. The main selling point is that they can provide quality work, even on overnight orders. Their website is highly-rated, and it sports a minimalist design.
When it comes to searching for writing help, people have many options. As a result, if your site is frustrating, they will just close the tab and move on. This is the lesson that SpeedyPaper understood, and it shows.
High school papers are 9$ per page, undergrad is 11$, Masters are 14$ and PhD-level assignments will cost 19$. This is one of the cheapest services, and it is cheap without compromising quality.
It is a common practice for essay sites to screenshot positive reviews and post them on their front page. In addition, many of them just outright buy reviews from people willing to write them in exchange for a fee.
Given this situation, you should never trust the reviews written directly on the page. It is better to look on third-party review sites where people post their honest opinions. Sites such as EssayPro are authentically popular and well-received.
They rarely (if ever) miss deadlines, and the quality of their work speaks for itself. Their pricing scheme is a bit more complex. Still, their cheapest pages are 10.4$, while the most expensive are 14.4$.
If you decide to buy a paper, you will be marking yourself down a bit. The entire process involves you giving details of what needs to be written to a stranger. Afterwards, that stranger will write the best essay he can, in exchange for money.
Even though it is good, you shouldn’t expect a top grade. The reason is that the essay writer does not know your teacher. Each teacher has quirks and special demands, and you would probably do a better job writing than the writer you are paying.
Still, you are doing this because you do not have time. So, in essence, people usually accept mediocre grades for the sake of not having to write them. The greatest thing about ExpertWriting.org is that they are good enough to get an ‘A’, or a “10”, or whatever grading system your college uses. Their professional academic writers are so good that it is now possible to get a max score with a bought paper.
High school essays cost 10$ per page, and the price goes up to 24$ for PhD-level pages.
Why shouldn’t I write my paper?
Without a doubt, ordering a paper is costly. Even the cheapest service will set you back a bit, especially if you are working with the average student’s budget. In addition, you are supposed to learn something of value, a skill set that you can take with you in the job market.
As it is with everything in modern society, the answer is complicated by the current society, the socio-economic situation, and the advent of the Internet.
And, of course, before we begin listing the reasons, it should be understood that the need for academic writing assistance is heavily dictated by your chosen specialization.
For example, those who are hoping to become doctors and engineers must do their best not to take shortcuts. Even 6 years of study are not enough to present the ocean-sized volume of information.
Meanwhile, humanities courses can be packed with needless and useless information. Very few people use their English, Arts, or History degrees. Most just want the diploma, as the fact of having gone through higher education makes you eligible for a higher pay bracket.
Students are overworked
While Millenials and Gen Z may believe this is a myth; there used to be a time when you could work for a fast-food place, or deliver newspapers, and pay for college. You would think that getting in so cheaply would have made college easier, but it didn’t.
Standards are constantly being whittled down, and academic rigor is faltering. Even though school nowadays costs tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars, you are learning less than those who pay for their entire 4-year education with a modest sum. Most students do not have the luxury of having wealthy parents. If you want to graduate, you also have to work a side job.
People who buy papers from professional essay writing services are not generally unwilling to write the paper themselves. They are just suffocated by the amount of work they have. At some point, spending 100$ on an essay or thesis is tempting, especially if it buys you the chance to catch up on some much-needed sleep.
You can use it for inspiration
This is another misunderstanding, as many outsiders think that students are buying papers, turning them in, and lying that they wrote them. The point of hiring professional essay writers is to get an example from a professional.
Remember those hours of research we previously mentioned? Well, that’s what the essay writer does, he allows you to skip them.At the end of the process, you will be presented with an expertly-written essay. Then, it will be your job to transcribe it, and as teachers are fond of saying: “put it in your own words”.
It’s no different from reading a book and transcribing those ideas. Nobody is under the illusion that you will personally go to the Middle East to study early agricultural civilization. The advantage of these essays is that the information is already pre-chewed for you, and gathered in a single spot.
It’s similar to hiring someone to clean your house. You are definitely capable of doing it yourself, it’s just that you need to save time. This method if legal and safe, especially if you only work with reputable sites
You procrastinated
Let’s be honest, part of being human is procrastinating. One in a thousand people resist the temptation to put aside something until the last moment. This is very understandable, especially if you do not do it all of the time.
So let’s say that you skipped preparing for an assignment, and now it is long overdue. In order to not ruin your grades, it would be best to find some professional academic writing sites.
Is it legal and safe to use academic writing service?
Safety and legality may be related, but they are not the same thing. In terms of safety, you should be careful while doing business online. It is so much easier to steal information and money on the web. But this doesn’t apply just to essay service, it goes for all virtual businesses.
Depending on where you live, each city, county, area, or country has a right to make its own laws. As a general rule, it is safe to say that this is entirely legal. But you should always check before deciding to purchase. Laws can change on a monthly basis, so it’s best to verify.
Warning signs
The previous section was not written to discourage a student from seeking online essay writing service. It was meant to raise awareness and improve your experience. You should be consoled by the fact that once you know what to look for, scam sites are very easy to spot.
Platforms that offer clients a way to review the product or service will provide a superior product because negative reviews can drive away new customers. The fear of bad reviews keeps them in line. That is why all the major retailers have product reviews, comments, and a 5-star rating system.
Academic essay services also post customer reviews on their front page. But these essays cannot always be trusted. The company generally selects only the most positive feedback to be showcased.
Those who wish to use an essay writing company are lucky because there are so many people doing the same thing that a community has formed. There are many others like you, and they share their honest opinions.
So, if you want to be sure that the product purchased is not a scam, do not rely on reviews posted on their main page. There are many online rankings available online, entire sites dedicated to reviewing these paper businesses.
What can I expect from the writing process?
If you choose one of the best academic paper writing services you do not need to worry. The work will be delivered on time. In addition, it will be free from errors, plagiarism, or any other type of mistake.
This is hard to explain to students, but time is not money. Time is much more valuable than money. You can’t make more time; just ask any elderly billionaire.
Sparing some money in order to win a free weekend, go hiking, or pursue any other activity is priceless. These are often called “the best years of your life” for good reason. Do not work your youth away.
How is the price calculated?
Potential customers are often curious about these rates, so here’s an explanation of how they are calculated:
- The number of pages is important. If you order a larger quantity of any product, it will cost more. This logic is straightforward and fair. There is a difference between a one-page task and a 10-page task. The writer’s time should be rewarded.
- Urgency will cost you more. While ordering, clients will also set the deadline for the paper. If a paper is due very soon, and there is little time to work on it, then it will cost more per page. Some services even have 6-hour delivery windows, but most offer 12-24h minimal deadlines.
- The difficulty is key. How can we assess the difficulty of writing a task? Well, it seems to overlap with the level of Academia that the student pursues. A freshman college paper will be easier to write than a doctorate-level thesis.
What papers can I get?
All of the websites mentioned can write anything. As long as it involves words, they have you covered. Thesis, reviews, essays, cover letters, CVs, and many other works are available.
In terms of academic level, all services work from high school and upward to college, masters, and Ph.D. assignments.