Who was Nahel, the 17-year-old whose death sparked France protests?


Since a youngster was shot at point-blank range on Tuesday, France has been shaken by protests on subsequent nights. Tuesday morning during a traffic stop in the Paris district of Nanterre, the 17-year-old Nahel was fatally shot. The event has rekindled long-standing complaints in France’s low-income and multiethnic suburbs about policing and racial profiling. Following the official narrative’s contradiction by eyewitnesses and security camera footage, protests have been fueled by videos of Nahel’s run-in with the law.


Nahel was a committed player for the Pirates of Nanterre rugby team for the previous three years

After determining that “the conditions for the legal use of the weapon were not met,” an initial inquiry will be conducted to determine if the officer who shot Nahel intentionally committed homicide. However, the accused officer contends that he fired the fatal shot out of concern that the youngster would run someone over with the vehicle. His family has chosen not to reveal his last name. Nahel was a delivery person for restaurants. He had been a committed player for the Pirates of Nanterre rugby team for the previous three years. The only child reared by his mother Mounia was Nahel. She said that her son’s murder occurred as a result of his “Arab face.” “The officer saw an Arab face, a little kid, and wanted to take his life,” she told the BBC.

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