What is UNRWA, the primary aid agency in Gaza, and how it is linked with the October 7 attacks?


Following Israel’s charges that staff members participated in Hamas’ October 7 attack, several significant donor countries have indicated that they will suspend funding for the UN organization for Palestinian refugees. Donors such as Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Australia, and Finland have followed the lead of the United States, which said on Friday that it has suspended additional financing for the agency in response to the claims. UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees, employs thousands of people and delivers crucial aid and services to millions of people throughout the Middle East. Throughout the Israel-Hamas conflict, it has been the primary source of food, water, and shelter for residents in Gaza.


Tel Aviv accuses UNRWA of turning a blind eye to Hamas, which has dominated Gaza since 2007

Israel has long criticized the organization, accusing it of tolerating or even working with Hamas and perpetuating the 75-year-old Palestinian refugee dilemma. The Israeli government accuses Hamas and other militant organizations of siphoning aid and utilizing UN facilities for military objectives. Tel Aviv accuses UNRWA of turning a blind eye as Hamas, which has dominated Gaza since 2007, diverts aid intended for civilians and battles within and near UN institutions, several of which have been targeted throughout the conflict. It has also shown Hamas tunnels that run beside or beneath UNRWA institutions, accusing the agency of instilling anti-Israel sentiment in its schools.

UNRWA denies the charges and claims it took prompt action against the employees accused of participating in the incident. The United States and eight other Western nations, which together funded more than half of UNRWA’s budget in 2022, have ceased funding for the agency.

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