The term dark web is often used in conjecture with cybercrimes like the sale of stolen or illegal weapons, child abuse, flesh trade, etc. But, there is more to the dark web than illegal activity. Read to know all about it.
What is the dark web?

The dark web, also known as the darknet is a collection of several websites that contain encrypted information. The darknet uses the same internet as we do. However, one can enter it with the aid of specific security tools. For example, Tor (The Onion Router) is used to browse secure sites on the dark web.
One of the advantages of the darknet is that these security tools can hide the IP addresses of servers that run dark websites. Additionally, they also hide the incoming and outgoing network traffic. This part of the internet offers 100 percent anonymity. Moreover, it does not have the risk of ISPs logging internet activity. Even government directives, VPN providers and, marketers cannot track your activity on the darknet.
But, how can these tools hide activity on the dark web?

Security tools like Tor work towards ensuring that access is provided along with maintenance of anonymity for the users. These tools encrypt the web traffic one layer at a time and then redirect it randomly. This makes the network bounce through systems around the world. Hence, third parties cannot decrypt the origin and destination of web traffic, see who is accessing the site, or find out the location of the server.
However, this is also why the dark web invites illegal activities. people create marketplaces and messaging services on the dark web to sell weapons, drugs, identities, stolen user information, credit card details, etc. All this and more while securing the server location and user list from law enforcement. People use these services to purchase illegal items and information by paying cryptocurrency.
Are there any good uses of the darknet?

Yes, the darknet is used for several legitimate uses. Tech companies, universities, activists, and news organizations use it to work against repressive regimes for the good of the people. It is used for anonymous whistleblowing since it offers protection from government surveillance and censorship.
Will accessing the dark web get you into trouble?
No, accessing the darknet will not get you into trouble as long as you don’t use it for illegal purposes. However, accessing it for shady activities is illegal. Additionally, encryption is a fundamental human right according to the United Nations. Moreover, the US State department helps in funding Tor. (Xanax)