‘United States of Kailasa’ envoys attend UN Meet: What is Kailasa? How did they make it there?

United States of Kailasa' envoys attend UN Meet: What is Kailasa? How did they make it there?

Representatives from the fictional nation of the United States of Kailasa attended the UN CESCR meeting in Geneva, demanding protection for Nithyananda. The self-proclaimed godman has been on the run since being charged with sexual abuse in India.


What is Kailasa?

The United States of Kailasa (USK), located off the coast of Ecuador is a nation believed to have its own constitution, passport, flag, bank, and economic system. As per its official website, it is “the greatest Hindu nation on Earth. It is also a nation without borders created by dispossessed Hindus who lost the right to practice Hinduism authentically in their own countries”. However, it is not one of the 193 nations recognized by the United Nations. The country was founded by a self-styled godman and fugitive, Nityananda. He also is accused of sexual abuse, rape, kidnapping, torture, and unlawful confinement of children in India. Additionally, French officials are investigating him for a $400,000 fraud.

In an unexpected turn of events, representatives of the fictional country showed up at the 19th Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (CESCR) meeting in Geneva. Moreover, two representatives spoke during the time assigned for questions during the “General Discussion on General Comment on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Sustainable Development” event. They also demanded protection for their founder, the “Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH)” as he is being persecuted.

Vijayapriya Nithyananda, represented the fictional nation, claiming to be the “Permanent Ambassador to the UN from USK. The UN CESR is a “body of 18 independent experts that monitors the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights by its State parties”. Since its establishment in 1995, it is aiming to “develop a constructive dialogue with State parties. Determine whether the Covenant’s norms are being applied. And also assess how the implementation and enforcement of the Covenant could be improved”. Its 19th meeting last week was the final phase. They are interacting with key stakeholders before the creation of the first draft.


What were envoys from the ‘USK’ up to in Geneva?

Nityananda shared a picture of Vijayapriya dressed in a saree, wearing jewelry and a turban. “USK at UN Geneva: Inputs on the Achievement of Sustainability. Participation of the United States of KAILASA in a discussion on the CESR and Sustainable Development at the United Nations in Geneva,” he tweeted.

“Kailasa is the first sovereign state for Hindus, established by the supreme pontiff of Hinduism. Nithyanand Paramashivam is reviving the enlightened Hindu civilization and its 10,000 indigenous traditions of Hinduism. Including the Adi Shaivite indigenous agricultural tribes. For these, the supreme pontiff of Hinduism is the leader as well,” stated Vijapriya. Additionally, “Kailasa has been implementing the ancient Hindu policies. And indigenous solutions that are in alignment with the time-tested Hindu principles for sustainable development,” she claimed.

It’s important to know that USK envoys were able to worm their way into the meeting solely due to the generosity of the UN Human rights organizations in Geneva. They allow people to come and speak at the open sessions of the meetings. The open sessions allow presentations that are included in the archives. However, it often draws dubious organizations and charlatans and their claims. While it may seem official, rarely do real countries respond to the fringe groups as anything more than a circus show.

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