Nuclear fusion breakthrough: What does it mean?

Nuclear fusion breakthrough: What does it mean?

Researchers reported a breakthrough in producing more energy through nuclear fusion. Read to know more.

What is the nuclear fusion breakthrough?

Researchers have been trying to harness fusion as a clean energy source. The breakthrough is paving the way for advancing clean power and national defense. proponents of fusion believe that it will be possible to produce almost limitless energy free of carbon. This will also make replacing conventional energy sources and fossil fuels a possibility. While the production of energy from fusion to power homes and businesses is far away, this is a significant step.

Nuclear fusion works by the exertion of sufficient pressure on nearby hydrogen. They then combine and form helium, leading to the generation of huge amounts of heat and energy. The National Ignition Facility (NIF) used a total of 192 lasers for creating temperatures multiple times hotter than the sun’s center. As per the US Department of Energy, this achievement is a “major scientific breakthrough leading to advancements in national defense and the future of clean power.”

More on the project

“There are very significant hurdles, not just in science but in technology. A few decades of research on the underlying technologies could put us in a position to build a power plant,” stated Kim Budil. Kim is the director of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The California-based LLNI stated that the NIF team achieved the “net energy gain” in an experiment, producing more energy from nuclear fusion than the laser energy used.

“Our calculations suggest that it’s possible with a laser system at scale to achieve hundreds of megajoules of yield. So there is a pathway to a target that produces enough yield, but we’re very distant from that right now,” added Budil. The process comes with advantages such as no nuclear risk and producing little radioactive waste. “They shot a bunch of lasers at a pellet of fuel and more energy was released from that fusion ignition than the energy of the lasers,” explained Arati Prabhakar. Prabhakar is the White House, science advisor.

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