Florida’s Smyrna beach second shark attack: Tips to avoid shark attacks


On Saturday, July 15, 2023, at around 2 pm, a shark bit a 48-year-old man in Florida’s Smyrna Beach, according to officials. This was the third incident of the year in Volusia County and the second attack this weekend at a beach. The man allegedly sustained only minor wounds, refused to go to the hospital, and is healing from the bite at home, according to the authorities. Since Florida is quickly establishing itself as the capital of shark bites, authorities have expressed their concern about the situation.

Although shark attacks are on the rise in the region, there are various strategies to prevent them

A day earlier, a 21-year-old guy was attacked at the Volusia County Beach while surfing. Although shark attacks are on the rise in the region, there are various strategies to prevent them. Avoiding being in the water at night is one technique to prevent such attacks. Another approach to preventing these attacks is to stay out of the water if you have an open wound or are menstruation because sharks can easily detect blood.

As many outlets, including News Journal Online, have reported, there have been more than seven cases of assaults by the huge fish in the area in 2022, these attacks are starting to raise concerns. Nearly 16 persons were bitten by these sea monsters in 2021, which was a substantially greater figure. As seen by the two biting incidents that occurred on Volusia County Beach over the weekend, attacks by these powerful fish have grown prevalent in Florida. While being close to the sea can be enjoyable and soothing, one should avoid the large marine creatures and make sure they are far away when they enter the water.

How to avoid a shark attack?

Avoiding high-activity places is one method to be cautious and prevent these attacks. If one intends to swim or engage in any other water activity, such beaches, and locations should likewise be avoided. Following nature’s cues, such as a bird circling directly above you in the water, water splashing, or even the presence of a dead whale nearby, is another excellent strategy to prevent such dangerous attacks. All of these could indicate the presence of a predatory fish in the area.

According to Shark Stewards, beachgoers should also prevent these assaults by not wearing anything flashy or overly pattern-heavy, as these items may attract powerful fish. When it is twilight or about to get dark, one should stay out of the sea. Be cautious and alert others if you ever see a predatory fish so that lives can be saved. Additionally, be sure to get out of the water immediately after that. However, seek quick medical assistance if an unexpected event, such as an attack, occurs. Regarding the recent Florida incident, there is currently no information available regarding the state of the man who was bitten by the powerful marine creature.

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