Breezy Explainer: Why was Jack Dorsey-backed Twitter alternative app, Damus, banned in China?

Breezy Explainer: Why was Jack Dorsey-backed Twitter alternative app, Damus, banned in China?

China has banned Damus, a Twitter alternative platform backed by Jack Dorsey. Here is everything you need to know.

China bans Damus, a Twitter alternative

Damus, one of the many Twitter alternatives is now prohibited in mainland China due to worries of the app contains content that is illegal in the nation. The application first launched in the Apple App store on February 1 after several reactions. The app’s user base soared past the 45,000 mark in under 24 hours after its launch. China was also the second most popular region for the new social networking platform.

However, by banning the app from the Chinese App Store, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) is taking action to slow down its growth. As per CAC, the Damus app contains material forbidden in China. It stated that it violates “the provisions of the security assessment of internet-based information services with an attribute or public opinion or capable of social mobilization”.

Why did China ban it?

Damus, backed by Jack Dorsey is built on top of Nostr. Nostr is a decentralized social networking system. Decentralization is the absence of a central authority controlling who can use the platform and what they can say. The app was created to remove people from having to reveal their real identities. Additionally, the Nostr-based app gives users total control over their data and content. However, due to these features, the app is no longer usable or downloadable to those in mainland China. Moreover, all social networks legally functioning in China must have built-in censoring mechanisms. They help in revoking content forbidden by the Chinese government.

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