Breezy Explainer: Social media influencers are now de-influencing. Here’s what it means

Breezy Explainer: Social media influencers are now de-influencing. Here's what it means

Social media personalities with a significant following on the platforms are now de-influencing their audience. They’re asking people to not buy certain products. Read to know more about the newest social media trend.

What is de-influencing?

Glossy, a US-based beauty and wellness website believes tiredness from the content trend of people selling items, there are other reasons for de-influencing. This may involve economic reasons for a slowdown in overconsumption. However, with the signs of an impending recession in several nations, de-influencing offers a way for people to opt out of the latest trends. The word was first mentioned by Maddie Wells, a beauty influencer. Wells was one of the first to mention the word. With experience working in a make-up store, she used her platform to not buy some products due to their poor quality.

However, when influencers with brand details for advertisement or positive reviews related to skincare, jewelry, and make-up are de-influencing, it has a different effect. This translates as influencers telling people not to buy some products. TikTok videos with the hashtag #deinfluencing have crossed over 68 million views.

What does the new trend reveal?

As per Fortune, de-influencing may open up new doors for a highly tailored mode of influence. A content creator can mention what parts of a product they liked or did not and allow the viewers to decide what fits them best. As per the supporters of the trend, companies can gain from detailed product feedback. Influencers are using this route to help them in approaching their audience from a different angle. They are opting to share a limited number of items that are worth spending money on.

Over the years, the rise in social media advertising and marketing is contributing to overconsumption. In addition to buying in excess, it also leads to climate change and environmental destruction. This is because it results in the exploitation of increased duel for deliveries and wasteful packaging among others.

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