Breezy Explainer: All about the candidates who could replace New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern

Breezy Explainer: All about the candidates who could replace New Zealand PM Ardern

One of these four members of the labor party might be the next successor of New Zealand PM Ardern. Read to know more about them.

Prime Minister Ardern quits the position

New Zealand’s ruling labor party is on the look for a new leader following PM Jacinda Ardern’s shocking resignation. On Thursday, she stated she had a “sudden resignation” to continue in the leading position. However, she will be stepping down no later than early February and not be seeking re-election. The party vote for the new leader will take place on Sunday. Ardern’s term as the leader will be concluding by February 7 and the next general election is scheduled for October 14. Until then, the party leader will be the PM of the nation. The top four candidates are Chris Hipkins. Michael Wood, Kiri Allan and Nanaia Mahuta.

The candidates to replace New Zealand Prime Minister Ardern

1. Chris Hipkins

Chris Hipkins was first elected to the parliament in 2008. He became a household name amidst the pandemic after being appointed as the minister for Covid-19 in 2020. However, despite receiving criticism for the outbreak in August 2021, he later stated the need for scaling back quarantine measure earlier. In addition to serving as the leader of the house, he is the minister of Education and Public Service.

2. Michael Wood

42-year-old Michael Wood rose through the ranks of the Labor Party since joining the parliament in 2016. He was given the ministry of transport and workplace following PM Ardern’s historic election win. He gained the Immigration portfolio following a cabinet reshuffle in mid-2022.

3. Kiri Allan

If elected, Kiri Allan could become New Zealand’s first openly gay and Maori descent Prime Minister. Allan’s portfolio includes disaster management. Before joining the parliament in 2017, she worked as a manager in the agriculture industry, focusing on the development of kiwi fruits.

4. Nanaia Mahuta

The fourth candidate is Nanaia Mahuta, a veteran parliamentarian with 26 years of experience. Mahuta became the nation’s first female foreign minister following her victory in 2020. The 52-year-old has used her position for advocating a middle ground for Pacific nations caught in the conflict between China and US. With the facial tattoo, she celebrates her Maori heritage and champions the causes as a member of the Waikato-Tainui, Ngāti Maniapoto, and Ngāti Manu.

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