U.S. Presidents and their favorite cars

US Presidents fav cars

US Presidents fav cars

US presidents

Riding in Cadillac One-the United States presidential state car is one of the perks of being the President. Despite not being allowed to drive, the current and past U.S. Presidents are known for their love of cars. Here are some presidents and their favorite rides.


But first, the president is even allowed to drive?

US presidents

Yes, you heard right. U.S. presidents, vice presidents, and other high-profile officials of the United States are restricted from driving, at least outside the gates of the White House. Abandoning the right to drive is more for security than law. But, a rule enforced by the Secret Service that all presidents have followed so far. But, they do get clearances to indulge once in a while.

George W. Bush and his Ford F-150

The 43rd president has owned several classic cars including the 2009 King Ranch Super Crew and several Ford F-150 pickup trucks. President bush’s favorite-the 2013 Ford F-150 was featured in his Leno segment.

George Bush hasn’t driven on public roads since 1993 but, the truck is well used in the family’s Texas Property. It is assumed that any pickup truck he owns will be well used on the property.


Joe Biden and his 1967 Stingray

Joe Biden swears to be a Corvette guy. His personal favorite is the 1967 Convertible Chevrolet Corvette Stingray. The car holds a lot of sentimental value to him as his father owned a Chevrolet dealership back in the day.
During his time as the Vice President and now the President, he’s only had the chance to drive it three times. “I love this car. Nothing but incredible memories,” he said in his video showing off the gorgeous car in his Leno segment.

Lyndon Johnson and his 1961 Amphicar

Lydon B. Johnson, the 36th US President, was the last President to drive in public after JFK’s assassination in 1963. Lyndon was the vice president to John F. Kennedy and, he was known to drive a car, not confined to the road.

His gorgeous 1961 Amphicar was one of the only 4,000 ever built. It can cruise off the earth and into water. According to his peers, Lyndon enjoyed pranking people by pretending that the breaks failed before easing them on the water surface. President Johnson sure loved the scares and laughs that came with the sweet ride!

Ronald Reagan and his special Subaru Brat

The 40th President of the United States was a Jeep enthusiast. The 1962 Jeep CJ-6 and the 1983 CJ-8 Scrambler were his top picks. His enthusiasm led him to become a secret test driver for the Subaru Brat in 1980. Why secret? Well, the 1980s were a long time before it was publically tolerated for American politicians to drive around in Japanese cars.


His special predicament landed him with a Subaru Brat in his ranch as long as he gave progress reports regularly. We’re certainly jealous!

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