Researchers witness sharks hunting each other in an unprecedented event

Researchers witness sharks hunting each other in an unprecedented event

A First-of-Its-Kind Discovery

In a world-first observation, scientists have documented an unprecedented case of a shark being hunted and consumed by a larger predator in the open sea, specifically southwest of Bermuda. This groundbreaking discovery has been reported in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science and could have significant implications for the conservation of these endangered species.


Tragic incident: Pregnant porbeagle shark falls prey

One of the most startling incidents involved a reproductive female porbeagle shark, a species native to the Atlantic, which not only lost her life but also the lives of her developing pups. “The predation of one of our pregnant porbeagles was an unexpected discovery,” said study co-author Brooke Anderson.

Porbeagle sharks, which inhabit the Atlantic, South Pacific, and Mediterranean oceans, are formidable creatures, reaching lengths of up to 4 meters and weighing as much as 230 kilograms. Despite their size and strength, these sharks are slow to reproduce. Females generally do not start reproducing until they are about 13 years old and give birth to an average of only four pups every one or two years after an eight to nine-month gestation period. This slow reproductive cycle makes the species particularly vulnerable to threats like fishing and habitat loss.

Tracking the elusive predators

To study this endangered species, scientists tagged and released porbeagle sharks off Cape Cod, Massachusetts, in 2020 and 2022. These satellite tags transmitted the sharks’ locations whenever their fins broke the surface. One tagged shark, a pregnant female measuring approximately 2.2 meters, was of particular interest. Researchers aimed to use her data to identify critical habitats for porbeagle mothers and their newborns.


The unexpected turn of events

Five months after her release, the shark’s satellite tag began transmitting off Bermuda, suggesting it had detached. Data indicated that during those five months, the shark swam at depths of 100-200 meters at night and 600-800 meters during the day, staying underwater most of the time. However, from March 24, 2021, the shark remained at depths between 150 and 600 meters for about four days. “Only one explanation was possible: that day, the unfortunate porbeagle had been hunted and eaten by a larger predator,” scientists concluded.

Who’s the culprit?

Researchers believe that only two sharks in the vicinity are large enough to prey on mature porbeagles: the great white shark and the shortfin mako. The great white shark is suspected to be the more likely predator, as the shortfin mako tends to dive to deeper depths during the day.

“We often think of large sharks as being apex predators. But with technological advancements, we have started to discover that large predator interactions could be even more complex than previously thought,” said Dr. Anderson. He emphasized the need for continued research into predator interactions to better understand how often large sharks hunt each other.

This extraordinary discovery underscores the complexity of marine ecosystems and the intricate relationships between marine predators. As scientists delve deeper into these interactions, the findings could pave the way for more effective conservation strategies for these magnificent yet vulnerable giants of the ocean.

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