French Bulldogs oust Labrador Retrievers as the most popular U.S. dog breed

French Bulldogs oust Labrador Retrievers as the most popular U.S. dog breed

The American Kennel Club declared Wednesday that the French bulldog will overtake the Labrador retriever as the most popular dog breed in the US in 2022, ending the Labrador retriever’s 31-year reign.

According to the group, the popularity of the French bulldog has increased recently. The dogs rose to the second slot in the American Kennel Club rankings for 2021 from their position as the 14th most popular breed in 2012.

“Frenchies are playful, adaptable, loyal and outgoing,” American Kennel Club’s executive secretary Gina DiNardo said in a news release. “They make wonderful companions for a variety of people, but it’s extremely important to do your research to not only find the right breed for your lifestyle but to ensure that you’re getting a well-bred dog from a responsible breeder.”

French Bulldog breeds are considered to be particularly prone to health issues

Certain bulldog breeds are considered to be particularly prone to health issues, according to experts.

According to a 2021 study, French bulldogs may have a higher propensity than other breeds to develop a variety of prevalent diseases. The British Veterinary Association has advised against purchasing dog breeds with flat faces.

Thefts have also been committed against French bulldogs. A well-known breeder was fatally shot last month, according to South Carolina officials, while selling a French bulldog. Ryan Fischer, Lady Gaga’s dog walker in 2021, was also shot when the celebrity’s two dogs were stolen.

The American Kennel Club also ranked the 199 least common dog breeds, with English Foxhounds coming in the bottom, followed by Sloughis and Norwegian Lundehunds.

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