Myths about yoga that shouldn’t stop you from doing it

I’m not flexible

Social media features yogis with incredible body movements, suggesting yoga is only for flexible individuals. However, a reality check is necessary.

I have back pain

Yoga can be beneficial for certain health conditions, such as glaucoma, but it's essential to consult a doctor and consult a certified yoga instructor for proper modifications.

Yoga is for women

Yoga benefits everyone in fitness, improving joint mobility, range of motion, and core stability, aiding performance goals in various sports, promotes good posture, and stimulates smaller stabilizing muscles.

Yoga is just glorified stretching

Yoga enhances flexibility, mobility, and strength by using resistance to hold body weight, improving muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance in healthy adults over a 12-week program.

I don’t have lots of spare time for yoga

There's no set time limit for yoga, as it can be done at any time, boosting mood, reducing stress, and increasing physical fitness.