Methods for manifestation to help you accomplish your goals
What is manifestation?
Manifestation is a process of transformation, becoming what you seek, and actively calling in the life you desire, similar to the law of attraction.
How the law of attraction works.
The law of attraction states that "like attracts like" and that you get what you focus on. It is important to believe in what you want and your ability to get it, otherwise you will not align or attract loving energy.
Methods to do manifestation
Journaling is essential for manifesting, as it helps to recognize where you're blocking yourself and how to move forward.
Vision boarding
Vision boarding is a powerful way to get to know yourself and what you want to manifest and call into your life, allowing you to focus on what is right for you.
Visualization is essential to bring forth the version of you that can attract what you want in life, becoming a vibrational match.