What are the good gemini qualities and strengths?

They’re clear communicators

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To start with the strengths, Geminis are exceptionally curious, and very adept at verbal communication

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They Are Very Lucky

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That's why it always feels like the Geminis in your life almost back into their success. "They just kind of like find themselves in right-place, right-time situations, because they're light on their feet and really adaptable, really elegant

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They’re fast learners

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If you throw a Gemini into a new situation, they thrive on the stimulation and are quick to pick up a new skill.

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They love going with the flow

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File flexibility under Gemini good traits. “They are not going to get upset if plans change on a whim,” Joon says. “Spontaneity is part of Gemini’s life force

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They’re quick-witted

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Another Gemini strength is that they’re not only quick on their feet, they’re also quick thinkers who are always ready with an idea or witty remark.