5 common mistakes to avoid while playing survival horror games

Ignoring audio cues

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It is wise to pay attention to such auditory variations as they will serve you well in the long run.

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Wasting bullets

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Titles like the Outlast and Amnesia series may not give you any weapons to deal with in-game monstrosities.

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Wrongly assuming an enemy’s death

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Survival horror games tend to trick you into thinking that the enemy is dead and no longer poses harm. In many instances, you will find yourself being attacked or grabbed by an enemy you thought was dealt with.

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Not thoroughly exploring areas

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It is natural to be tempted to escape certain horrors and proceed with progressing the story.

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Overstocking items in inventory

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Inventory space plays a major role in most survival horror games. Just like ammo and weapons, inventory space is scarce to encourage you to conserve resources and pick up only those items that are necessary for survival