Jobs that AI will never replace


Teachers often represent a reference point for many of us, it is almost impossible that we will have a fully digital teaching experience in the Future.

Lawyers and judges

These positions have a strong component of negotiation, strategy and case analysis. A lot is based on the personal experience and knowledge of each specialist.

Directors, Managers and CEOs

Managing teams inside an organization is a matter of Leadership and this is not a stack of behaviors that can be written down in a code and processed in a linear way.


One of the biggest differences in the qualities humans have versus machines or AI is that we are actually pretty good at coming up with creative solutions for unforeseen circumstances, and politicians need to master this skill.

HR Managers

Human Resource Managers cover a variety of very important tasks inside an organization. Hiring new professionals is just part of their prerogatives.


You can also find AI produced music and lyrics actually, but the performance of our beloved singers will not be possible to be replaced by a machine, emotions are human, end of the deal.

Psychologists and psychiatrists

Human touch is essential when it comes down to supporting people to succeed in their lives in all of the aspects that it can entail.