The name buttermilk can be misleading, as it does not contain any butter. The traditional buttermilk is made from the liquid leftover of the whole milk that’s churned into butter.
A glass of buttermilk after meals can improve digestion while preventing acidity.
Buttermilk is also a natural remedy for avoiding constipation and related problems. If you have buttermilk daily, it can ease the condition while facilitating bowel movement due to high fibre content.
Another benefit of drinking chaas is that it provides a cooling effect on your body, especially on the digestive system.
It is a perfect drink for keeping your body hydrated, especially in summers. The dehydration may lead to certain ailments and general discomfort.
One of the major advantages of buttermilk is that it contains riboflavin that helps in converting food into energy.
Buttermilk contains a variety of minerals and vitamins, such as potassium, vitamin B, etc. It is also a good source of proteins and other nutrients and thus, good for balancing vitamin deficiency in the body.