Morning rituals that can change your life

Waking up early

Waking up early in the morning set the tone for the day and make you more productive.

Set priorities

Choose 3-5 things that will really make a difference in your life long-term.


Even just 10 minutes of exercise can have such an impact on your mood, your productivity and your health.

Keep a gratitude journal

Each day, start with three things you’re grateful for. You don’t need to buy anything fancy to do this any notepad or your bullet journal can become that gratitude journal.

listen to the music

Don’t just listen to any music, listen to the music that makes you feel alive and sing along.

Spend time in nature

Nature has a way of healing us. I feel at least a year younger when I disconnect and spend a few days in nature.

Match the way you look

This might seem superficial to some, but the way you choose to dress, wear your hair and take care of your physical self overall does affect how you feel on the inside.