Best Psychology Books

Thinking Fast And Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Thinking Fast And Slow shows you how two systems in your brain are constantly fighting over control of your behavior and actions and teach you the many ways in which this leads to errors in memory, judgment, and decisions, and what you can do about it.

Drive by Daniel Pink

Drive explores what has motivated humans throughout history and explains how we shifted from mere survival to the carrot-and-stick approach that’s still practiced today – and why it’s outdated.

 Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely

Predictably Irrational explains the hidden forces that drive how we make decisions, which are far less rational than we think but can help us stay on top of our finances, interact better with others and live happier lives, once we know about them.

Everything Is F*cked by Mark Manson

Everything Is F*cked explains what’s wrong with our approach toward happiness and gives philosophical suggestions that help us make our lives worth living.

The Wisdom Of Insecurity by Alan Watts

Alan Watts has put together this book where we put into perspective the idea that as much as we want to reach a perfect level of psychological security, many things make us go towards psychological insecurity.

Do What You Are by Paul Tieger, Barbara Barron, & Kelly Tieger

Do What You Are will help you discover your personality type and how it can lead you to a more satisfying career that corresponds to your talents and interests.

The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt

The Happiness Hypothesis is the most thorough analysis of how you can find happiness in our modern society, backed by plenty of scientific research, real-life examples, and even a formula for happiness.