What to eat before and after yoga

Simple carbs

Think simple carbohydrates with small amounts of protein, fat, or fiber for staying power and energy.

Energizing snacks

It could be fruit and nut butter, a smoothie, toast with avocado, or anything that feels energizing to you

Easy-to-digest foods

Before yoga, choose foods that digest easily and give you balanced energy, such as a combination of whole grain carbohydrates, protein, and fat for staying power.

Eat two hours before you practice

I recommend having a full meal two hours before a yoga class.

Avoid spicy, fatty, and acidic foods

These can upset your stomach as they could make you uncomfortable while you practice.

Give yourself time to digest before you practice

Allow yourself one to one-and-a-half hours to digest after a light snack and two to three hours to digest after a light meal before your yoga class.

Choose carbs plus protein

After yoga, especially if it’s a vigorous flow, you’ll want to refuel with a meal or snack that has a 3-to-1 ratio of carbohydrates to protein, which can help repair muscle tissues and restore energy levels.