5 Tips for finding your perfect soulmate in the New Year

Stop the train of negativity

Daily 68,000 thoughts are repetitive, leading to negative thoughts. Identify and remove negative thoughts, reducing their weight and impact on self-worth.

Reach out to old friends

During this time of year, reconnect with loved ones and ask old friends to introduce you to their new group, as they can help determine if it's a good fit.

Accept invitations and look your best

Stretch your comfort zone and dress up for holiday dinners to find love, as it's a gift for your body and boosts your spirits.

Heal the old wounds

Starting a new relationship with a calm mind and open heart is crucial for strength and clarity, especially if you're still dealing with past relationships or holiday seasons.

Practice little rituals

Daily rituals, such as maintaining a house shrine, walking, or enjoying tea, can help release past hurts and ground loose connections over time.