7  Places You're Most Likely To Get the Flu, According to a Doctor

Airplanes and Airports

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While jetting off to new destinations is exciting, airports and airplanes can be breeding grounds for the flu virus.

Schools and Daycares

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Schools and daycares are notorious for circulating illnesses, and the flu is no exception. The close quarters, shared supplies, and student interactions create an environment conducive to flu transmission.

Public Transportation

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Whether on buses, trains, or cabs, the crowded conditions and frequently touched surfaces increase your likelihood of catching the flu.

Grocery and Drug Stores

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To help reduce your chances of getting the flu, regularly disinfect your hands, avoid touching your face while shopping, and use sanitizing wipes on cart handles.

Retail Stores and Shopping Malls

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Shopping malls' high-touch surfaces and bustling atmosphere are breeding grounds for flu transmission.

Restaurants and Coffee Shops

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Enjoying a meal or a coffee break in public spaces means exposure to shared utensils, menus, and tables. Also, the social nature of dining out increases your risk of potential flu exposure

Offices and Places of Work

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It's no secret that office spaces and shared workstations can be potential flu hotspots.