Just 7 Gen-Z lingo terms that are all over social media and their meanings


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Ever caught someone being delusional about their love life and having unrealistic beliefs about a particular situation? That’s what ‘delulu’ means.


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This one stands for ‘Non Player Character’ and is used to describe someone who is likely to blindly follow anyone without critical thinking


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When something is absolutely fantastic, delicious, or just downright amazing, Gen-Z people use the term ‘bussin’ to describe it. Whether it's food, music, or a party, if it's top-notch, it's ‘bussin’!

Dry Dating

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Dry, in this type of dating, refers to absence of alcohol. So, you go on a date with a person and spend time together but do not sip alcohol. This is a growing trend in the dating scene, especially for first dates


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TFW is an abbreviation for ‘That Feeling When’.It's commonly used to express a relatable emotion or situation, often accompanied by memes or images that perfectly capture that specific feeling.

Touch Grass

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In a world dominated by screens and gadgets, ‘touch grass’ is a sarcastic reminder to step away from the virtual realm or being in ‘delulu’ and reconnect with reality.

Winter Coating

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Winter is here and many people are indulging in 'winter coating'. Wait, no no! It doesn’t mean they are wearing coats to keep themselves warm in the chilly weather.