Ustrasana, a yoga asana, improves respiratory health by promoting deep backbend, stretching chest and throat, and improving lung capacity, reducing neck and shoulder tension.
Bhujangasana, a yoga pose resembling a cobra's head, aids in respiratory system protection by stretching the chest, improving airflow, and enhancing lung capacity.
Sirsasana, or headstand, is a yoga pose with numerous health benefits, including improved blood and oxygen circulation, detoxification, and respiratory system strengthening, but requires skilled guidance.
Kapalabhati is a breathing technique that involves forceful exhalations through the nose, improving lung capacity, removing toxins, and improving oxygen intake.
Anulom Vilom
Anulom Vilom, also known as alternate nostril breathing, is a calming pranayama technique that balances energy, reduces stress, and enhances lung efficiency, strengthening the respiratory system.