7  Simple Ways To Become More Productive at Work

Focus on one task at a time

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While you ultimately may be able to get things done when you juggle projects or tasks, focusing on one at a time may help you be more productive.

Take regular breaks

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It can be tempting to avoid taking the time for a break, but when you neglect to give yourself a time-out for a few minutes

Focus on your biggest tasks first

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Focusing on your biggest and most time-consuming tasks before any other assignments can help you stay more focused than working on smaller and shorter tasks first.

Set small objectives

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Rather than approach large goals that would require multiple outlets and longer amounts of time to achieve them, consider planning out small objectives throughout your day.

Use the two-minute rule

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The two-minute rule involves completing tasks that are two minutes or less as well as taking two minutes to get started on small tasks that you may have been putting off.

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Using time blocks within your schedule can also help you increase your productivity. With this strategy, you would set a time limit for each of the tasks you work on.

Time block your schedule

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If you have meetings scheduled throughout your day, consider some ways to make these more productive activities that contribute to your overall work progress.

Make meetings more productive